Some of you may have listened Tuesday evening as our President addressed both Houses of Congress and the nation about our current economic situation. Following his speech, Mr. Bobby Jindal, governor of Louisiana, gave a response. Both of them acknowledged the seriousness of the current situation and offered solutions. Although I may be over simplifying, the basic message I got from Mr. Obama is that we need to rely on the government for a solution. Meanwhile, Mr. Jindal promoted the idea that government’s role should be limited and the answer lies in the people. I do not want this article to be a political debate, but there was one thing that concerned me. While I did not listen to either speech entirely, the only time I heard God’s name mentioned was at the end of the governor’s speech when he said, “God bless America.” Can we really expect God to bless this country when we have turned our backs on Him?
For some time, there has been the effort to have God removed from the public eye completely. Prayer was removed from the schools many years ago. The theory of evolution is the only option for the explanation of the universe that can be taught in many school systems. Most of you remember the Alabama judge who lost his job because he refused to remove the ten commandments from the courthouse. Also, remember the court in California that ruled the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional. Some have also tried to have “In God We Trust” removed from our currency. It is almost to the point where the only time you can mention God is to ask for His blessings on the country.
God and His word are being removed from our moral code. In one recent Gallup Poll, the respondents were asked if they found the following morally acceptable or not: divorce – 65%; stem cell research using human embryos – 64%; gambling – 63%; sex between an unmarried man and woman – 59%; having a baby outside of marriage – 54%; same sex unions – 57%. When we are refusing to listen to God’s word on these, and other, moral issues, what right do we have to ask Him to bless our country?
God is also missing in our homes. Think about the situation in your own home. How much time do you spend working? School? Watching TV? Computer (playing games, facebook, etc)? Sports? Exercising? Reading? How much time do you spend in worship, prayer, Bible study, and other spiritual activities? When you spend time with your children, what are you doing? If we neglect God in our homes, should we really expect Him to bless them?
“If you will return, O Israel,” says the Lord, “Return to Me; And if you will put away your abominations out of My sight, Then you shall not be moved.2 And you shall swear, ‘The Lord lives,’ In truth, in judgment, and in righteousness; The nations shall bless themselves in Him, And in Him they shall glory” (Jeremiah 4:1-2)
For some time, there has been the effort to have God removed from the public eye completely. Prayer was removed from the schools many years ago. The theory of evolution is the only option for the explanation of the universe that can be taught in many school systems. Most of you remember the Alabama judge who lost his job because he refused to remove the ten commandments from the courthouse. Also, remember the court in California that ruled the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional. Some have also tried to have “In God We Trust” removed from our currency. It is almost to the point where the only time you can mention God is to ask for His blessings on the country.
God and His word are being removed from our moral code. In one recent Gallup Poll, the respondents were asked if they found the following morally acceptable or not: divorce – 65%; stem cell research using human embryos – 64%; gambling – 63%; sex between an unmarried man and woman – 59%; having a baby outside of marriage – 54%; same sex unions – 57%. When we are refusing to listen to God’s word on these, and other, moral issues, what right do we have to ask Him to bless our country?
God is also missing in our homes. Think about the situation in your own home. How much time do you spend working? School? Watching TV? Computer (playing games, facebook, etc)? Sports? Exercising? Reading? How much time do you spend in worship, prayer, Bible study, and other spiritual activities? When you spend time with your children, what are you doing? If we neglect God in our homes, should we really expect Him to bless them?
“If you will return, O Israel,” says the Lord, “Return to Me; And if you will put away your abominations out of My sight, Then you shall not be moved.2 And you shall swear, ‘The Lord lives,’ In truth, in judgment, and in righteousness; The nations shall bless themselves in Him, And in Him they shall glory” (Jeremiah 4:1-2)
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