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St Mary's, GA, United States
Weekly bulletin. Church Office Phone: (912) 882-5800

Friday, May 8, 2009


Once upon eternity, Above the clouds so high;
There were some chosen angels Who had no wings to fly.
Their hands were made for helping, Their hearts were tender too;
Their smiles were warm and happy, And glowed as halos do.
So God sent down these angels Who differed from the others;
To spread their gentle love on earth; And now we call them mothers.
-Author Unknown

Today is the day set aside to honor our mothers. Many cards, flowers, and other gifts have been purchased. Restaurants will be busy this afternoon. While there is nothing wrong with buying your mother, or the mother of your children, a nice present and a card, is that all there is to it? Is taking her to a nice restaurant really the best way to honor mother? I think we all realize there is much more involved. What is the best way to celebrate Mothers Day? How do we truly honor our mothers?

Obey her. I can remember as a child growing up that my mother expected us to do what she said, when she said. I cannot ever remember my mother counting to three, or ten, after she told me to do something. I am not saying she never told me twice to do something, but if she told me more than once there were consequences. The Bible still says, “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right” (Ephesians 6:1). I am not sure when or where we came up with the idea that disobedient children should not be disciplined, but it has caused many heartaches. Young people, I can pretty much guarantee you that you will not always agree with your mother. You will not always want to do what she tells you to do. So what? Do it anyway. As long as it is not wrong in God’s eyes. you must obey her. Failure to do so is sin.

Honor her. “Honor your father and mother,” which is the first commandment with promise: “that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth” (Ephesians 6:2). The time comes when children become adults and move away from home. The time comes when children grow up and make their own decisions, mom and dad cannot do it for them. This is when our relationship with our mother moves away from obedience and more towards respect and honor. Respect should certainly be a part of our childhood relationship, but it takes on a greater role in adulthood. We grow beyond obeying everything our mother tells us, but we never outgrow the responsibility to respect her.

Make it a daily habit. If Mothers Day is the only time you give your mother any thanks and honor, then you are missing the point. It is necessary that you show her love, respect, and appreciation every day of the year. Is the second Sunday in May the only day she acts as a mother, showering you with love and devotion? If she did, would you not question her love for you as a child? The same is true in reverse. If this is the only day you show you mother any love and appreciation, something is very wrong. Make it a point every day to tell her, and show her, how much you love and appreciate her.

Happy Mothers Day!

Friday, May 1, 2009


The elders recently spoke to the congregation about the focus for this year: self renewal. While it is true that we want to focus on the lost (the lost sheep and those outside the church) during this effort, we also can be benefited during this time. I would like for you to think along with me for the next few minutes as to how we can use this meeting to evangelize Camden County and to enhance our self renewal in the congregation.

Resolve to be involved. There was a time when gospel meetings would fill up a building with both church and community members. In today’s world, it is getting harder and harder to get community members to attend. However, that is not all. It is also getting harder to get members of the church to attend. Does it surprise you that your neighbor is not interested in attending when he sees that you are indifferent? Some have suggested that you are doing well if you can get half of the members to attend. We have done better that that in the past and I am confident we will do better than 50% next week. I am sure brother Blackwell will be well prepared and 100% involved in this effort. Can we do any less?

Educate others. Tell everyone you know about the gospel meeting. There are flyers you can use as well as “House To House” papers with an ad on the back. I am sure there is at least one person you want to hear the gospel. This is your chance. You may say, “They will not come if I invite them.” That may or may not be the case, but it is almost an absolute guarantee they will not come if you do not invite them.

Never give up. It is easy to become discouraged. The person you invite declines or says they will come but do not. A person you have been studying with ends the study without obeying the gospel or by attending a denomination. A dear loved one who has fallen away refuses to come back. These are a few things that can cause disappointment and frustration. Keep living the Christian life before them, keep inviting them, and keep praying for them. You never know what God might be able to do. There was a man in my hometown when I was growing up who had a problem with alcohol. He stayed drunk about as much as he stayed sober. His wife was a faithful Christian through the years. She did everything she could to encourage him to obey the gospel and to leave the alcohol alone. Every preacher in the congregation spent time trying to teach and convict him of his need. It seemed like he would never change and everyone was doubtful he would ever become a Christian. However, people kept praying and trying. Eventually, only a few years before his death, he obeyed the gospel. He spent the remainder of his life living for Christ. What would have happened if his wife and everyone else had given up?

Energize the church. Every one has probably seen the “Energizer Bunny” who just keeps going and going. Could you, as a Christian, be described in that way? Excitement and zeal are contagious. If your fire is burning bright, there is a good chance others in the church will catch fire also. This meeting is a chance for you to use your energy to fire up the church, especially in reaching the lost.

Wait on God. Put you faith and trust in Jehovah. This is perhaps the biggest obstacle in self-renewal. We either want to do it for ourselves, or we want God to do it but on our schedule. Put your life, and the lives of friends and loved ones, totally in His hands. Do all the planting and watering you can possibly do, and leave the increase up to God (1 Corinthians 3:6).

As you endeavor to put these into practice, not only will it benefit others, but you will also find a renewed spirit within yourself. Use this gospel meeting as an opportunity to invite friends to hear the gospel, but also use it as an opportunity for self renewal.